تعبير بالإنجليزي عن مدينة زرتها كامل جاهز للطباعة، قد يذهب الفرد الي عدة أماكن سياحية تكون جميلة جداً، يرغب في نقل هذا الجمال بالطريقة التعبيرية الخاصة به، ويتم كتابة ما تم مشاهدته اما باللغة العربية أو اللغة الإنجليزية، ولذلك يسعي المعلم الي تطوير مهارة التعبير كونها مفيدة جداً في نقل العديد من الأفكار لدي الأفراد الأخرين، وبالأخص التطوير بالكتابة الي اللغة الإنجليزية بل اللغة العربية، والآن في هذا المقال سنتعرف على تعبير بالإنجليزي عن مدينة زرتها كامل جاهز للطباعة.
تعبير عن مدينة زرتها بالإنجليزي

سنُقدم لكم موضوعنا التعبير والذي يدور حول زيارة احدى المدن الجميلة، وسنتعمَّد استخدام أُسلوب العاميَّة في تحديد اسم المدينة في سطورنا القادمة، وهي (مدينة البتراء)، كي يكون الطالب على معرفة بنمط كتابة موضوع التعبير بشكله العام.
One day, a traveler landed us in the pink city of Petra, after the vehicle drove us to the far south, and we traveled the distances until we reached the Wadi Musa area in the Ma’an Governorate, where the pink city of unique dazzling beauty that there is no like in the world at all, it is truly a miracle Of marvels; Because it is a city completely carved into the rocks, built by the Nabataean Arabs thousands of years ago to remain a witness to this day, and the first time we reached Petra, we started walking in the Siq that extends in the form of a cleft in the rock, and the Siq, although it is just a corridor that leads to the landmarks of the pink city, but it An unparalleled historical masterpiece, especially when you contemplate its meandering and pink colors with amazing hues.
What is striking about Petra is that it has a large number of tourists coming to it from all over the world, and this seemed very clear as we wandered between its arms, as the visitor to this city feels that he is wandering in a global city, and it is remarkable that one day is hardly enough to enjoy all the attractions The Pink City, and among the most famous landmarks that we visited in it: the monastery, the theater of Petra, the girl’s palace, the court, the great temple, the altar, the tomb of the Roman soldier, the winged Abd al-Aswad, the funeral ceremonial hall, and many other things that are confused in his vision and the tongue is confused in its description.
As soon as we finished the Siq, the Treasury appeared, which is an amazing architectural masterpiece, which appears in front of the visitor like a queen on her throne, and the height of the treasury is thirty-nine meters, twenty-five meters wide, meaning that it is huge, large and striking, and includes a royal mausoleum and six columns, In its flanks, water channels are also visible, which are among the oldest unique irrigation systems in the world, which were carved into the rock, as the city was founded in 312 BC, and it is the capital of the Nabataean kingdom, which took a great place in ancient history; Due to its location on the Silk Road, one of the unique landmarks that caught our attention in the city is the vision of the Bint Pharaoh’s Palace, the altar, and the rocky mountains of high heights and majestic views.
In the conclusion of our article, in which we talked about our quick visit to Petra, we had a passage of folk artifacts and traditional handicrafts exhibitions, and we were astonished by the sight of the sunset as it reflected its rays on the pink sands of the city and its prominent landmarks to give a unique painting that takes into account, so I made a promise to myself to come back once Another one to see the beauty of this city, which includes many secrets, mysteries and tales.
شاهد أيضاً: موضوع تعبير عن العيد الوطني الكويتي
تعبير عن مدينة دبي بالإنجليزي

وهنا سنتطرق الى الحديث عن التعبير عن مدينة قمنا بزيارتها بشكلها الخاص، وهي مدينة دبي، والتي سنتطرق فيها حول كل ما قمنا بفعله هناك، خصوصاً وزيارة الأماكن الجميلة في دبي، تابع موضوعنا من خلال السطور القادمة.
When the city of Dubai is mentioned, the first thing that comes to mind is the beauty of this charming city that races the world in its development and progress and extends to its buildings and skyscrapers, and Dubai is one of the cities of the United Arab Emirates, which is the center of the emirate of Dubai and is known to be full of luxurious buildings, global shopping destinations and architecture Unparalleled, and we include a lot of modern, remarkable urban development that is not found in all cities of the world, as Dubai is unique in having the tallest tower in the world in it, which is the Burj Khalifa.
Dubai is also famous for the famous Burj Al Arab, a hotel designed in the form of a sail, and this distinctive hotel is located on the beach of Jumeirah, whose sands extend to form a wonderful tourist attraction, in addition to the presence of many huge markets in Dubai, and a huge ice skating rink, And halls with internal slopes, countless numbers of luxurious international restaurants, markets for spices, jewelry and gold, in addition to popular markets that sell traditional fabrics, and this does not deny the manifestations of the heritage and history to which this charming city belongs, as it was previously a quiet quiet village whose residents worked In fishing, there is also the Al Fahidi Fort, which dates back to the eighteenth century AD.
Dubai nights are characterized by hustle and bustle and life; Because it includes all aspects of modernity that can not all meet in any city in the world, and the Burj Khalifa overcomes all its features, reaching a high height of eight hundred and thirty meters, and its summit overlooks the clouds suspended in the air, which gives a magical view in which the description is confused and confused In it the words, and in Dubai there is also the well-known Dubai Fountain, which is a fountain in which the water harmonizes with music and dazzling lights, so the water in it appears as a dancer, and there is also the palm tree, which is a huge group of marine water parks and many marine animals in the form of artificial islands in the water .
The city of Dubai is a magical city that takes the visitor from himself and occupies him by observing all its features of development and beauty. From all over the world, that is why it is considered a city of huge cultural and human exchange, and races mix, which gives it a special charm, and increases its brilliance, beauty, and the desire to stay in it as long as possible.
شاهد أيضا: موضوع تعبير عن هوايتي المفضلة
تعبير مدينة زرتها باللغة العربية قصير جداً

لقد رزت مدينة الإسكندرية وهي تعتبر من أحد المدن السياحية التي تقع في جمهورية مصر العربية، لقد رزتها لأول مرة عندما انتهت من الفصل الدراسي الثاني في فصل الصيف، وكانت بالنسبة لي رحلة ترفيهية جميلة جداً، ولقد قضينا الوقت السعيد مع العائلة وتم الاستمتاع بالأجواء المعتدلة فيها، وهي تعتبر مدينة مختلفة تماماً عن مدينتا وبلدنا، وعندما وصلت الي هذه المدنية اندهشت من جمال شواطئها الجميلة جداً، فركضت مسرعاً للعب علي الشاطئ، عندما تم حلول ساعات الليل قمنا بالسير مع العائلة الي الطرقات والأزقة الجميلة فيها، وقد ذهبنا الي السينما والمسرح والعديد من الأماكن الأثرية الجميلة مثل القلعة، وسوف أقوم بزيارة هذه المدينة مرة أخرى كونها جميلة جداً.
شاهد أيضاً: موضوع تعبير عن رحلة مدرسية
الي هنا نصل بكم الي ختام فقرات هذا المقال، حيث يوجد هناك العديد من الأماكن والمدن الجميلة جداً وتعتبر سياحية مثل الاسطنبول ونيويورك وغيرها، فيتم كتابة عنها باللغة الإنجليزية، وفي هذا المقال تم عرض تعبير بالإنجليزي عن مدينة زرتها كامل جاهز للطباعة.
مقالات قد تهمك – موضوع تعبير