تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسي جاهز، نحتاج عادةً الى التعبير عن أنفسنا ونستخدم العديد من الكلمات التي من المُمكن أن تصف حالنا، وهذا الأمر يُعتبر مهم جداً من أجل أن نكون قادرين على التعريف عن أنفسنا في أي من المواقف التي قد تحصل، وتكمُ أيضاً أهمية تعليم الطفل التعبير عن النفس من أجل أن يكتب عن حياته ويُدوّن عن لحظاته، وأجمل أيامه، كما ويوجد هذا النشاط في كتاب اللغة الانجليزية لطلاب المرحلة المتوسطة والثانوية، كما وأنَّنا سنُقدم لكم موضوع تعبير عن نفسك من أجل أن تحصد علامات نشاط تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسي جاهز، تابع…
نموذج تعبير عن نفسي جاهز باللغة الانجليزية

تحتاج عزيزي الطالب أن تكون قادراً على التعبير عن نفسك بشكل لائق باللغة الانجليزية، بحيثُ تستخدم عدة أساليب مهمة من شأنها أن تُساعدك في خلق فرص جيدة وفعَّالة للتعبير عن النفس بشكل رسمي أو بغير رسمي، وهذا عبارة عن موضوع تعبير عن احدى الطلبة واسمه (علي)، حيثُ يتكلمَّ عن نفسه قائلاً:
My name is Ali and I am 16 years old. I live in Dubai with my family, except that I came from another city which is Abu Dhabi, where I lived there for eleven years, but five years ago, my father decided to change his job, and we all moved to Dubai. I have a sister named Sarah, who is 18 years old, and she enrolled at the University of Warsaw in the United States of America to study law, my father works for an Emirati company, and my mother works as a teacher.
I am interested in computer science, music, sports and fiction literature, when I was seven years old I got my first computer and it was the best thing in the world for me, I used to play with it whenever I could, at first, I was only playing computer games, but later I noticed that I could do a lot of things with the computer, for example programming, and now, I have my own website and I have implemented many programs.
My dream is to study computer science and go to Japan, I love everything related to this country, and I hope to learn in Japan in the future, I want to go to Japan and stay there for a long time, and I want to get a job there as a computer scientist, now, I’m trying to learn Japanese Myself, I already know a few words, and my parents have promised me that soon they will find a Japanese engineer to help me.
My sister is fluent in English so she helps me to master it during her vacations because the English language is very important for mastering all things related to computers. I also try to find online lessons related to programming and computers, but most of the information is in English, so my mastery of the language is important on my way to mastery. Computer, and my parents encourage me to this matter a lot, as they see that my future will be wonderful if I work in this field, especially because I find fun in it, which will make me more creative.
And since I advanced a lot in learning the English language, I also became to read books on fiction literature in the English language, I am also passionate about this type of books, I have read fictional books and magazines, and I have also watched fictional films, and I hope soon to master Japanese and read Japanese books as well. , Learning languages is really fun, and it opens many doors for you to learn other things.
تعريف عن نفسي باللغة الانجليزية

من المهم للطالب أن يتعلم كيف يُمكنه أن يُوصل رسالته الى الجهة المقصودة أو للناس، وهذا الأمر له العديد من الأهمية، خصوصاً وأنَّ مسألة التعريف عن النفس اصبحت سهلة جداً لكل الطلاب، وهذا يأتي بسبب وجود الكثير من الأساليب التي تُستخدم في التعبير عن النفس، وهذه عبارة عن تعريف عن احدى الطلبة وهو يتحدَث باللغة الانجليزية حول نفسه.
All of God’s creation is brothers. All humanity is one family. Our father is Adam, and our mother is Eve. I am a brother to everyone who has lost his brother, and a brother to all human beings. I believe in all the divine religions that God has revealed to his servants, so I do not harm any of the children of other religions, I seek to spread love Among the people, I do not ask the Creator except to make in people’s hearts a place for me that loves me and hates something bad that befalls me.
I do not hide that I am biased towards my countrymen, and this is not because they are better, more beautiful, stronger, smarter, or any reason than this and that, but because we are from the oppressed and oppressed peoples, I support the oppressed toilers on the earth, with everyone who stands in the face of his rapists and screams, with everyone who bears The banner of change, with everyone who has gone out of himself and himself from the blind current and false following, with everyone who finds an idea for himself to adopt, because the children of thought are the ones who promote humanity, so I seek to join them.
I follow the Islamic religion, but I am not a fanatic, moderation is a matter that dominates all my attitudes and ideas, so from this point of view I completely reject the traditions and customs of peoples that dictate discrimination and bias for one group over another without any justification, a bias based on the prejudice of ignorance and the hateful party. I accept criticism and respect the other opinion, and if it contradicts my views, the minds are not one, and if we were one mind, each of us would not be distinguished from the other in a way that distinguishes him and loves him.
My opinion represents me and is responsible for my silence, my words and my actions, it does not mean the impression that someone makes on me, as I know what is going on inside me and the motives that lie behind my actions; I abhor social hypocrisy and submission to the group simply because they are in the majority; I care to please myself and my Creator, as for the people, I am not concerned with any of what they believe.
I apologize if I did wrong, and I forgive if I was wronged. I hasten to accept even if I am right. Loving creatures is not easy for everyone to do. It is not easy for anyone to rein in the distress, resentment, or anger in his heart. Rather, it is much easier to accept. A person drifts away to let go of the negative emotions that may sweep him, and forgiveness is like swimming against the current, it is a stressful challenge, but it sends an incomparable happiness in the heart, so there is nothing closer to my heart than introducing happiness to another person’s heart, even if it is at the expense of my happiness.
We are all human beings and we all make mistakes, but he who is honest with the other is the benefactor, even if he is wrong. Sometimes I feel imperfect and overwhelmed by the pursuit of perfection, and perfection is for God alone; Each of us has our own dark side and our secret side, there is something that must remain hidden from the other, because there is comfort in it for our heart and for you; Be different, be kind, be forgiving, be you, as the Palestinian poet Mahmoud Darwish said: “Be you where you are, and carry the burden of your heart alone.”
والى هنا فقد أوجزنا لكم زوارنا الكام العديد من النماذج التعبيرية التي تدور حول العديد التعبير عن النفس، والتي أردنا أن نُوصلها لكل الطلبة في الصفوف المُختلفة من أجل التعرف عليها والقدرة على الحديث عنها في موضوع مقالتنا بعنوان تعبير بالانجليزي عن نفسي جاهز.