قصة عن كنز مفقود بالانجليزي، هناك العديد من القصص الخيالية التي كنا دق سمعناها في الماضي والتي تتعلق بوجود الكنوز واكتشافها، الأمر الذي يكون خطراً في بداية الطريق من أجل ايجاد الكنز والقدرة على الوصول الى الأحلام، هذا الأمر يبدو عريباً لك في وهلةٍ ما، أعلم أنَّ هذا الأمر له علاقة بالخيال قليلاً، ولمن في مٌتضى الأمر، فانَّ هناك العديد من الأهمية التي تدور حول أن يكون وجود أي كنز مفقود له علاقة بالحقيقة الواقع، خصوصاً وأنَّ الكنز هنا المقصود به ما نراه في الأفلام القديمة، وسمعنا عنه في قصص الخيال، وهذا ليس أمراً مستحيلاً، ولو أدرنا الحديث حول وجود الكنوز في الحياة، وبالتحديد في الأماكن البعيدة والتي لا يوجد فيها بشر، أو ربما يكون هناك كنز مفقود في قاع البحار، وبالتالي يُمكن القول أنَّ هذه لاتزال قصص خيالية وغير واقعية، وللحديث بشكل أكبر حول وجود أي كنز مفقود، رجاءً تابع مقالتنا هذه التي نضعها بين يديك بعنوان، قصة عن كنز مفقود بالانجليزي.
كنز المدمرة أنتيلا

تُعتبر هذه القصة مُختلفة بالكامل، خصوصاً وأنَّها لم تكن في الصحراء أو في أي مكان عام، بل تُعتبر هذه القصة مهمة، وبالتالي فانَّ هذه القصة مُختلفة جداً، وهذا الأمر له مزايا عدة، خصوصاً وأنَّ هناك كنز يُدعى بكنز كبير والمدمرة أنتيلا، وبالتالي تدور أحداث هذه القصة حول الفتاة أنتيلا، تابع القصة.
“The destroyer Antilla”, or the shipwrecked ship as the people of the Caribbean would like to call it, specifically the people of the European island, which is the place where it sank.
The story that those interested are talking about says that the German ship was besieged by the enemies in the Caribbean Sea, and that the captain of the ship, as it is said, preferred death to surrender, so he blew up the ship, killing himself and those on it, and drowning the treasure it was carrying, instead of surrendering himself and his men and treasure His country is for the enemies, and the ship settled as a wreck at the bottom of the Caribbean, but the treasure, despite all the attempts to search for it, was not inferred, and it remained like others in the unseen world wandering between being a real treasure or just belief and fictional myths
قصة كنز ياما شيتا
تدور أحداث هذه القصة على وجود العديد التفاصيل التي ترتبط بالبحث عن وجود كنز تمَّ ايجاده بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية من قبل جندي من الجيش الياباني حينها، تابع القصة للتعرف بشكل أكبر على قصة الكنز.
“Yamashita” or “Tomoyuki Yamashita” is a Japanese general who was serving in his country’s army during World War II, and it was said that this general had overseen major looting operations carried out by elements of the Japanese army before the World War in Asia, and after feeling the war was coming to an end, he feared That the enemies got the treasure of his country, so he hid it in a place that no one knew, and it was also said that the general, as soon as he was buried for his great treasure, executed all those who participated in the burial process; This eliminates any possibility of sneaking around the treasure
The prevailing belief is that “Yamashita” buried his treasure in the Philippines in more than 170 different locations on the island, and he thought that he would return to take it, but the time did not help him, as he was arrested and executed without anyone knowing the truth and location of this treasure, so the secret dies with its owner. Some believe that there was someone who found part of this treasure in the seventies of the last century, a person called “Roxas”, who filed a lawsuit against the Philippines after it confiscated his treasure, and obtained billions of dollars in compensation for the confiscated treasure
In any case, there is not even today who has been able to assert that what was found is part of the “Yamashita” treasure, or that it is all, or that this treasure actually exists, or that it is just a myth
قصة كنز نيفادا

تتعلق هذه الرواية بوجود كنز من ضمن أبرز الكنوز المهمة التي كان قد وجدتها أسرة، مكونة من الرجل وزوجته وكلبهما في الولايات المتحدة، وهذا الأمر لاقى اهتماماً كبيراً من خلال الاعلام بعدما انتشرت قصتها، تابع القصة كاملةً.
A traditional picnic between any couple in the state of Nevada in the United States, but they were not alone, but accompanied by their dog. Suddenly this excursion turned into strange moments that changed the course of their lives, after the dog found an archaeological ability in which a treasure of gold was estimated at 10 million dollars, and no one knew who The couple said that the rusty jar that the dog found by chance was not a product of this time, but rather it dates back to the middle of the nineteenth century, in addition to the presence of eight metal cans that contained nearly 1,400 pieces of gold, making what the two spouses discovered was one of the biggest treasures of gold coins found in America.
قصة جزيرة الكنز

هذه القصة تدور حول ايجاد الكنز على احدى الجزر البعيدة، وبالتالي فانّها عبارة عن واحدة من ضمن أهم الفنون المهمة التي كانت الغاية منها أولاً الحصول على المعرفة واكتسابها، وهي قصة شبه خيالية، تابع تفاصيل الرواية.
The hero of the story is a young boy named “Jim” who lives with his mother in their house, and the story begins, when there is a drunk man named “Billy”, he comes to their house and pays them a week’s wage, to stay there, but it seems to Jim with time that “Billy” is a person in hiding And he knows from him that he is afraid of the one-footed pirate, and one night a mysterious sailor called “the black dog” comes and meets “Billy” but he quarrels with him, then he flees after that, and Jim continues to take care of “Billy”, until one day he knows to Jim that he met a pirate His name is Captain Fleet, and he gave him a box, and now the pirates are chasing him for the box, and one night a message arrives to Billy, meaning that the pirates will reach him, but he dies from the shock, and when Jim and his mother come to open Billy’s box to take the accommodation fee, they hear the pirates’ voice, and they run away And Jim will have taken a waxed box with him and he does not know what is in it, and when the pirates come, they do not find what they are looking for, as for Jim he has fled to a friend’s house while he is working as a doctorate, and there they open the box and find a map of treasure, if he collected it, let him have the thefts. He sheltered him in a place, and immediately the doctor and his assistant prepared a ship to find A. To treasure, and they use a crew of sailors who find them in a bar, and one of them is called “John Silver” with one leg, which raises Jim’s suspicion, and the ship sets off, but Jim discovers while at sea that they are a group of pirates, and that Silver was with Captain Fleet, And he is the person that Billy warned about, and that he is trying to kill the doctor and help him after finding the treasure, and immediately after that Jim warns, the doctor of them, and upon reaching the treasure island, Slifer, Jim and some pirates go down to search, and on the ship some loyal men join the Doctor and fight the rest of the pirates and escape from them to The island, and there they make a wooden hut, as for Jim, he will also have fled to the island, after he saw Silver kill one of his men who were not satisfied with the rebellion against the crew of the ship, and there he finds “Ben Gan” who is also one of the crew of Fleet, but he left here three years ago, and you see him Jim is treated well, until he returns to his land, and at night Jim sneaks into the hut of his friends, and at night Sliver advances his truce flag to the hut, but events turn into a bloody battle, and Silver loses many of his men, and on a later night Jim sneaks into the ship, and is there Only one of the injured pirates, and at first he cooperated with him, then he betrayed him and tries to kill him, so he escapes back to the hut and when he enters it, the pirates catch him because they have taken control of him when he was absent, and later the remaining pirates, the doctor, his assistant and Jim, go to the place of the treasure and Dan is watching them and there they do not find him In his place, and at this moment the pirates get angry and a small battle occurs between them and Jim and his friends, and they overpower them and kill two, and Silver surrenders to them, and there Dan tells them about the place to which the treasure was transferred, and he distributes to Jim, the doctor, the assistant and their men and to Dan, and they return to Slever’s mother and he gets A little part Dan gives him after he scares him and then Silver vanishes.
رواية جزيرة الكنز

تُعتبر جزيرة الكنز من أكثر الجُزُر المهمة، وكان العديد من الأفلام ما تروي هذه القصة وتُحاكي نمط البحث عن الكنز المفقود، تابع هذه القصدة.
Robert Louis Stevenson draws a map, and the boy Jim Hawkins narrates the events, so that this boy lived with his mother in a small hostel near the beach, and his name was Prince of the Sea Benbow, and one day, the captain of Billy Bones who owned an old ship stayed in the lodge And he stayed there for several days, and this captain had a secret map of a remote island, so that Captain Flint buried his treasure there. Events rolled around, and Captain Bones died, and the map became in the hands of Jim, who handed it over to the doctor Levzi, so Levzi went with a group of men on a long journey in search of treasure, and they chose a crew of sailors to help them in the ship before they took off, but unfortunately some of these sailors were Treacherous, whose goal was to obtain and control the treasure, Jim and Trelawney found themselves surrounded by a group of villains, who were ready to kill in order to obtain the treasure. The novel revolved around a remote island, a buried treasure, a ship traveling at sea, and men ready to kill in order to obtain the treasure, all of these events are very interesting and make the follower desperately want to follow its events until the end.
وهذا الأمر له الكثير من الأهمية التي تتعلق بالحديث حول الكنوز، وهذا الأمر كانت له أهمية، فقد انتشرت الكثير من القصص الخيالية التي تُحاكي عملية البحث عن الكنوز في المحيطات والبحار، وبالتالي فنتمنى أن تكون له الكثير من الأهمية التي تتعلق بالبحث حول أساطير البحث عن كنز مفقود، وبالتالي فانَّنا بهذا نكون قد وصلنا الى كل ما يتعَّلق بالحديث حول قصة عن كنز مفقود بالانجليزي.