تعبير عن رؤية 2030 بالإنجليزي كامل الفقرات، من المتعارف عليه ان المملكة العربية السعودية دوما تقدم العديد من الخدمات لأبناء المواطنين في المملكة، والحرص عل تلبية احتياجاتهم بمختلف الامور، ورؤية 2030 تقدم مستقبل أفضل استناد الى الحضارات المتقدمة والمتطورة والتقنيات الحديثة التي تلزم من اجل بناء مستقبل مشرق بالتطلعات على الرؤيا الكاملة، وسنتعرف خلال مقالنا لليوم تعبير عن رؤية 2030 بالإنجليزي كامل الفقرات.
Vision 2030 goals

The goals of the 2030 vision that the Kingdom pursues are of great importance, and this matter has a great place in the lives of the Saudis, and therefore we can say that this vision has a great importance on the presence of great importance in reaching the beautiful and dazzling future, and therefore it can be said that this matter has many One of the important basics that the future needs for the advancement of societies, and one of the goals of the Kingdom’s Vision 2030.
- Work by all means to reduce the unemployment rate in the Saudi society.
- Work also to increase the percentage of exports in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.
- Work on an increase in the ratios of assets on real estate and the investment fund in it.
- Work on a complete restructuring of the government in all ministries, and work as much as possible to improve government work.
- Work also to manage public projects in Saudi Arabia and to achieve a financial balance.
- An increase in home ownership rates in Saudi Arabia.
- An increase in real estate ratios and the ability to raise its assets.
- Working to raise the percentage of income and average annual income for individuals.
- Providing many important jobs that increase income for individuals.
Sentences about Vision 2030

There are many important words that were said in the Kingdom’s Vision 2030, on which the kingdom is working on in all forms, especially since the issue of Vision 2030 is one of the important visions and models that the Kingdom needs in order to progress and enter into competition with developed countries, and this matter is important and important Akbar, especially since we are talking about the fact that there are many famous personalities and poets who have said about Vision 2030, and one of the most beautiful sentences that contain important words about Vision 2030.
And below the homeland, whatever the risk
He is our beloved in honorable qualities
And our decision is with us and with us cross it
His prestige subjugates peoples and rulers
She won the admiration and praise of the whole community
Our beloved king and commander in chief
And the diversity in the income of the people of the homeland and the increase
We are together, Salman, to the house of servants
What a sustainable life with Atta
From Al-Auja Square, it blossomed with its ages
She meant elevation for every nation and happiness
If we saw the sword catches you injustice
It is built on the bold hands of men
And the right day and its life injustice as long as
You are not enough of the war, here dwarves
He who is taller than him, will shorten his youth
And our decision is with us and with us cross it
Automatically we stopped and bridled the world
Ignoring ISIS, it managed its affairs
A bombing in a mosque praying and a belt
His prestige subjugates peoples and rulers
An ignorant, deceived and unknown role
Our Gulf is one and cannot be joined
And the alliance of Islam increased with pleasure
And all the peoples stood by, submerging him
We are not interested in oil, oil and crude
Supplying decreases what followed us shortcomings
An essay on Vision 2030

There are many important opinions and articles that many important personalities have talked about, and this matter is of great importance related to looking at the important societal vision that will affect Vision 2030, and therefore this matter depends on the presence of many important that fall under The framework of the overview and expert opinions on Vision 2030, and these are among the most prominent articles of Vision 2030
The vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030 has had significant positive repercussions on the Saudi economy. It accelerated large-scale reforms, both on the economic and social levels.
In 2025, Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman announced the ambitious plan to diversify the kingdom’s economy. Where there has become an urgent necessity to reduce the economy’s dependence on oil and to ensure financial sustainability. This vision also strengthened the openness of the Saudi market to international investors, and created a more business-friendly and investor-friendly environment.
This has led to a reflection in the economic and social reforms on increasing the state’s public revenues to about 27.8 billion riyals in the first quarter of 2025, which is the first surplus recorded since 2014; If total revenues increased by 48% in the first quarter of 2025 compared to the same quarter of last year 2025.
This is in addition to developing many public services, reducing bureaucracy and moving towards privatization policies. From the social point of view, the vision focused – in particular – on reforming social attitudes towards women, and the vision adopted the Quality of Life Program 2025.
Consequently, the Kingdom’s abundant oil and gas reserves in Saudi Arabia have so far achieved a comparative advantage in terms of energy costs, while export revenues helped finance ambitious expansion plans in the energy sector in the Kingdom. Saudi Arabia’s need to increase electricity production will continue to cement its position as the largest oil consumer in the Middle East and the sixth largest in the world, according to the International Energy Agency.
An expression of Vision 2030 in Arabic
The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia has witnessed a lot of importance related to Vision 2030, and this resides in many details, the most important of which is that the expressors, writers and intellectuals came out with great praise in this vision, and this matter has an important potential that will increase the good image of Vision 2030, which expresses the position The kingdom and the Saudi people from the vision.
Saudi Arabia has many rich assets. Our geographical, cultural, social, demographic and economic advantages have enabled us to take a leading position in the world.
To build the best future for our country, we anchored our vision for the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on three pillars that represent our unique competitive advantages. Our position will enable us to build on our pioneering role as the heart of the Arab and Islamic worlds. At the same time, we will use our investment strength to create a more diversified and sustainable economy. Finally, we will use our strategic position to build our role as the primary engine of international trade and to connect three continents: Africa, Asia and Europe.
Our vision is anchored on three axes: a vibrant society, a thriving economy, and an ambitious nation. This first topic is vital to achieving the vision and a strong foundation for economic prosperity. We believe in the importance of a vibrant community. Members of this community live according to the Islamic principle of moderation, are proud of their national identity and ancient cultural heritage, and enjoy a good life in a beautiful environment. They are protected by caring families, and are supported by social and health care that enables the system.
In the second axis, the booming economy provides opportunities for all by building an educational system in line with the needs of the market and creating economic opportunities for the entrepreneur and the small enterprise as well as the large company. Therefore, we will develop our investment tools to open up our promising economic sectors, diversify our economy and create jobs. We will also work to develop our economy and improve the quality of our services, by privatizing some government services, improving the business environment, attracting the best talent and the best investments in the world, and taking advantage of our unique strategic position in connecting three continents.
Our nation is ambitious in what we want to achieve. We will apply efficiency and responsibility at all levels.
Our third theme is built on effective, transparent, accountable, enabling, and high-performance government. We will also create the appropriate environment for our citizens, the private sector and the non-profit sector to shoulder their responsibilities and take the lead in facing challenges and seizing opportunities.
In each of these topics, we highlighted a selection of commitments and goals, as a reflection of our ambition and a representation of what we aim to achieve. This vision will be the reference point for our future decisions, so that all future projects are aligned with their content. To illustrate our next steps, we have already prepared the ground and launched some implementation programs in the Council of Economic and Development Affairs. We will now launch a first set of critical programs with the aim of achieving our goals and fulfilling our commitments. Sustainable success can only be achieved when built on solid foundations. Our vision, which is based on the strengths of our country, will bring about this stability and create a brighter future for our country and our people
A word about the Kingdom’s vision 2030

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia is interested in Vision 2030, which it awaits with patience, and this matter has great importance on the full positive impact on the Kingdom, and therefore it can be said that there is much talk about it and whatever we want to write from words about the vision of the Kingdom and the perceptions that the Kingdom undertakes in order to reach many The complete model that revolves around the vision that the Kingdom praises in all forums.
We live in villas, we live in apartments, we live in tents
We are together, Salman, to the house of servants
His prestige is subject to people and itch
And the alliance of Islam increased with pleasure
From Al-Auja Square, it blossomed with its ages
Our Gulf is one and cannot be joined
Hanna is the desert maze of ages
All provide knowledge and presence
Realistic vision from healthy minds
He is our beloved in honorable qualities
What a sustainable life with Atta
And it has all the great programs and ambition
She won the admiration and praise of the whole community
And the diversity in the income of the people of the homeland and the increase
Video about Vision 2030 in English There are many videos that have arisen according to different studies, especially since we are talking about that this matter is of great importance related to addressing all the talk in all shapes and aspects about the vision of the Kingdom of 2030 that it aspires to by the year 2030, and therefore a lot of money and huge possibilities that Saudi Arabia spend Now on such projects related to Vision 2030, and this is an important video that deals with Vision 2030 in Saudi Arabia in English.
تعبير عن رؤية 2030 بالإنجليزي كامل الفقرات، ونؤكد على اهمية برنامج رؤية 2030 في المملكة العربية السعودية الذي يسع الى التطلعات المستقبلية، بالنظرة العامة على الرؤيا المجتمعية التي تتعلق بالامور المستقبلية والعمل على مستقبل مشرق لكافة افراد المملكة العربية السعودية.
شاهد ايضا: موضوع تعبير عن المطر قصير بالعربي والإنجليزي كامل
مقالات قد تهمك – موضوع تعبير