تعبير عن بيت الاحلام

تعبير عن بيت الأحلام، My Dream House، يطلب معلمي اللغة الإنجليزية من الطلبة كتابة موضوع تعبير عن بيت الأحلام باللغة الإنجليزية وذلك لتعزيز قدرات الطلبة في كتابة الجمل الإنجليزية ومواضيع التعبير الإنجليزية بإستخدام ما تعلموه ودرسوه في منهاج اللغة الإنجليزية من قواعد وأمور واجب إتباعها في اللغة الإنجليزية، وتصاريف الأفعال والمواقع التي يجب فيها إستخدام الفعل الماضي أو المضارع أو المستقبل، مع مراعاة وضع الكلمات في مكانها الصحيح، وبهذا يتمكن الطلبة من كتابة تعبير عن بيت الأحلام.

تعبير عن بيت الأحلام بالإنجليزي

تعبير عن بيت الأحلام بالإنجليزي
تعبير عن بيت الأحلام بالإنجليزي
My dream house should be situated outside the city, in a deserted place, somewhere in a wood near a lake surrounded by the wild beautiful nature, or it would be an amazing idea to live somewhere on an island like Hawaii with beautiful sandy beaches and a lot of suns.
I adore nature and it would be so exciting to wake up early in the morning and listen to the birds singing. At least, my dream house should be located near a small river in the countryside where I could live in peace and harmony with serene nature. My dream house should be of simple design; I would like it to be a bungalow style house designed in basic colors that are appealing to the eyes. I would like to have a huge lawn in front of my house and enough parking for several cars. There should be a small garden planted with fruit trees, bushes, and flowers. There should be a front porch where we could sit and relax and enjoy the beauty of nature. I would like to have a large backyard with a big swimming pool and a basketball court because I am fond of sports. In my backyard, there should be also enough space for having family picnics when the weather is fine. I prefer to spend a lot of time out of doors so an attractive outer design of my house and gardens is very important for me. I would like to have three bedrooms with attached bathrooms with a shower and a Jacuzzi. The bedrooms should be cozy with large beds and soft carpets on the floors. I would like to have a large TV set in my bedroom and a built-in closet. I am fond of reading, actually, I am a bookworm, so the library would be one of the most important rooms in my dream house. I would like to have shelves with books of my favorite writers that would line the walls from the floor to the ceiling. In the library, I prefer to have the latest desktop computer to surf the Internet.
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