أجمل الكلمات المُعبّرة عن عيد الحب وعبارات هابي فالنتين داي بالانجليزي التي تُعبّر عن الحب بشكل جميل وتَحمِل معاني جميلة وجديدة باللغة الانجليزية، هُناك من العشاق من يبحَثُ أن يكُون مُميزًا في اختيار العبارات الإنجليزية من أجل التعبير عَن حبه وعشقه للحبيب، فأحيانًا يُمكن لكلمة إنجليزية أنْ تُعبّر عن الحب بشكل أكبر من الكلمات العربيّة، لذا سنضع لكُم أجمل وأروع عبارات هابي فالنتين داي بالانجليزي يُمكنكم استخدامها كبوستات وتغريدات على مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي المنتشرة.
اروع عبارات هابي فالنتين داي بالانجليزي

رسائل ومسجات إنجليزية لعيد الحب فالنتين داي للتعبِير عن الحب والإحساس الجميل باللغة الإنجليزية، فمشاعر الحب تصِفُها جميع اللغات في العالم، ونحنُ اخترنا أجمل العبارات الجميلة عن عيد الحب باللغة الانجليزية.
- I’m with you reading this , Looking at your eyes and your lips, Touching your lips softly with my fingertips, Making love to you in every kiss.
- Happy valentine’s day my love, my sunshine, Will you be my valentine ?
- Roses are red, violets are blue, My heart is pure and so is my love for you too
- Love so steady, love so fine , Be my valentine and I will be thine, If we love each other rain or shine
- We will be rocking hand-in-hand at a hundred and ninety nine, I know I love you, but I realized I love you more than I think I do
- Most people prefer chocolates on this day, but as for me I prefer you…Happy Valentines Day My Love.
- what i need for me is you, i have been given red roses before…but your love is pure and much more beautiful than a million roses… happy Valentine’s day.
- Dear Hubby\Honey
I love you lot i wish you to Be with me forever
I am glad that I chose to spend my life with you
an extra mile with you as I hold your hand always
I Love You forever and ever. - Love so steady, Love so fine, Be my Valentine and I will be thine. If we Love each other, rain or shine, We will be rocking hand in hand At a hundred and ninety-nine. Happy Valentine’s Day
- sweetheart DON’T let the past hold you back,for get the past and let it go, i love you forever happy valentine’s day 2015
- sometimes life get so busy couldn’t even say HI couldn’t even call But it doesn’t mean you are forgotten because you will always be a special person to me , you are in my heart forever.
- What do you do when the only person who can make you stop crying is the person who made you cry…
- Love is like playing the piano… First thing you must learn to play by the rules, then you must forget the rules and lay from your heart and let the passion guide you , and my passion telling me that I Love You.
- People live People die People laugh People cry , Some give up Some still try Some say hi While some say bye Others may forget you but never will I , I love you forever , Happy Valentine’s Day
- my life was messy and dark before , then one day I found you, whose weirdness is compatible with mine…
Lets join up and fall in mutual weirdness and lets call it love…
Will you be my valentine?? - my life was messy and dark before ,and once i met you it was like a sunrise after a dark night , you brought happiness to my life for that i love you , happy Valentine’s Day.
- You held my hand through all the tough times, my love… I couldn’t have made it without you… Thank you, with all my heart!
- I love you more today than I did yesterday, But not as much as I will tomorrow…. Happy Valentine’s Day!
مسجات عيد الحب 2025 باللغة الانجليزية

أروع المسجات الرائعة المُعبّرة عن عيد الحب 2025 باللغة الإنجليزية، فهي تحمل إحساس جميل ورائع عن يَوم الحب الذي يحتفل به الكثِير من العشاق والأحبة.
- If Your asking if I Need U the answer is 4Ever
If Your asking if I’ll Leave U the answer is Never
If Your asking what I value the Answer is U
if Your asking if I love U the answer is I do. - If I reached for your hand , will u hold it ?
If I hold out my arms, will u hug me ?
If I go for your lips, will u kiss me ?
If I capture ur heart , will u love me ?? - If a kiss was a raindrop i’d send u showers.
If a hug was a second i’d send u hours.
If a smile was water i’d send u a sea.
If love was a person i’d send u me….. - Love is blind .. Be very kind .. When I kiss you …Please don’t mind
- All I wanted was sum1 2 care 4 me
All I wanted was sum1 who’d b there 4 me
All I ever wanted was sum1 who’d b true
All I ever wanted was sum1 like U… - God is wise when he did not put a price tag on you darling. If he did, I won’t be able to afford to have a boyfriend (girlfriend) as precious as you.
I miss the laughs I used to get from you, I miss the talks we used to have. And above all, I just miss YOU! - Let`s share the world.
A sea is for you, and waves are for me.
The sky is for you, and stars are for me.
The sun is for you, and light is for me.
Everything is for you, and you are for me… - Every time i miss you, a star falls.
So if you ever look up at the sky and the stars are gone,
its because you made me miss you too much! - 3 – 2 = one heart praying 4 you
1 + 1= two eyes looking for you
3+2= five sensesmissing you.
4+3= seven days in a week i desire you.
7+5= 12months asking god to bless you
رسائل عيد الحب فلانتين 2025 بالانجليزي

أروع المسجات التي تُرسل للأحبة في يوم الحب الفلانتين وضعناها لكُم هنا لتتمكّنوا من تبادلها مع أحبّتكم على الهواتف المحمولة والفيس بوك وغيره.
- You put the fun in together
The sad in apart
The hope in tomorrow
The joy in my heart - Hearts could only luv 4 a while u can put many relations in a file, u can make a desert from the Nile, but u can’t stop my smile when I c ur name on my phone
- If I were to describe true luv then I would describe it as what a snowman did to a snowwoman: He gave her warm hug n they both melted in each other’s arms.
- When it hurts to look back and you are scared to look ahead look beside you I’ll always be there 4 you