عبارات عن التخرج بالانجليزي، حيثُ تأتي فرحة التخرج بَعد سنين طويلة من الجد والتعب والاجتهاد قضَاها الخرّيج على مقاعد الدراسة، حمَل معها آمالَهُ وأحلامَه لمُستقبله، وعندما تحِين الّلحظة التي تنطوِي بها صَفحة من صفحات هذه الحياة، صفحة كان فِيها الاجتهاد والجد رفيقًا لها، هي لَحظة نُودّع فيها أجمل الأيام، ألا وهِي أيّام الدراسة التي تَعارفنا بها على الأصدقاء والزّملاء والأساتذة نُودّع فيها ضحكاتهم ومواقفهم معنًا، ونبدأ من بعدها فترة الحصاد، هُنا اخترنا لكُم عبارات عن التخرج بالانجليزي مترجم إلى العربية نُثري من خلالها مخزُون ومدهش اللغة الانجليزية لديكم.
كلمات عن التخرج بالانجليزي

وداعًا للحظة حملنا فِيها حلمنا ومَضينا بها في سَبيل تحقيقه، فشكرًا كُل الشكر لمَن ساندنا من الأساتذة والزملاء، وشكرًا من الأعماق لكُل من شاركنا فرحة النجاح والتخرج.
- This is the last
In …
And these are the days ran …
And seemed to materialize dreams …
And faded all
Pain …
Tptda joy lasts …
And ending forcibly heart
Sad …
And Eptda Yeşilay Halm winner …
And the position of successes
Rezin …
This is the year and concluded …
Aam farewell ..
- O group
Shi became terribly
Wade wondrous
Know Henw?!
Graduated ..
Gemayel Aoki graduated
And then?!
- Well Hlitk the
And Pmaa Roses
And graduation Hnik
If your cheek nearby Hpetk.
- Congratulations to your success
Msjat congratulates graduation congratulatory phrases 2012
- Aaassa joy
Your success, تفوقك and your degree
Joy of my heart and the hearts of the people
- On the occasion of graduation send
Love with a bouquet
- Basket
Nsakbha the most beautiful
Cheek owned the most expensive humans
- Who told you I holiday or I
Graduation Hoalaid
Every year you are a new age
- People waiting for Eid al-Fitrt
- Peace and congratulate high
From the heart of impulsive
What narrowed but plenty
To a friend
And love above all border
- Ibtda:
Congratulations word
- Ah you
And ended: the word conciliator
Woody Oaktherocol
- If my arrived not ignorant
From the bottom of my heart for you sent
- Every sense
Sadik you holds
- On this particular day … and outlined in the day …
I want to be
First you … this well-wishers who knew your excellence ….
Thus, the success that you are the people of him …. In this particular occasion …
Allow me to congratulate you .. Congratulations to not other Kthenih …
If you want to know not my congratulations different? No distinctive taste?
It is enough to know .. I when I say that you
“Congratulations” … I say it with all my heart …
- Your success O (…….) made me Live
- You have reached the summit when he received a certificate from the
- We got you to the top of the candle you lit
Sky Beiteinu
- Today Moon you smile and the stars
Decorated .. بالجد and perseverance has owned properties O (…)
- Here
Is the crown knowledge may crowned him .. The obtained ترجوه of tired nights
- Deserve and Allah that lets achieved coolest most expensive gifts Aloosman
Congratulations - I am delighted at this happy occasion that
Introduce you the most beautiful congratulations and blessings - Graduation, expressions of congratulations graduation
- A. Congratulations to Khreczkm the
- All girls Atakrjoa
And (name of the successful) succeeded
Today we all celebrate
Saad Day
And Yaha
- (The name of the successful) Sahar and fatigue
At all who wishes
Farah with him all
And achieved our hope with him
- I’ve received surprises
I received many gifts
But graduation O (the name of the successful)
Ahla surprises this year
And exquisite gifts this
- I did not before this scorching day
I know that the sky-high and wonderful
So …
But graduation O (name of the successful)
It made me touch the sky
- And live
With splendor
- Cod and reached the summit
When you receive your degree undergraduate O (name
We got to the summit
To you a candle lit up the skies
Our Home
- This phrase if the brother or
Sister - Seagulls I got Mgrdh the
Wed to the songs of joy and aura of hopes …
Grater ….
News Fouad was preparing to hear the minutes and seconds - Btakrjk O (successful name)
Gap sky littered Dürer - And
Kindergartens starred minimum adorned scent flowers
And you, my dear perfume - Fragrant.
- Deserve and Allah that lets achieved coolest most expensive gifts Aloosman
- Messages of congratulations graduation, expressions of congratulations graduation
- This is the last
In …
And these are the days ran …
And seemed to materialize dreams …
And faded all
Pain …
Tptda joy lasts …
And ending forcibly heart
Sad …
And Eptda Yeşilay Halm winner …
And the position of successes
Rezin …
This is the year and concluded …
Aam farewell ..
- Well Hlitk the
And Pmaa Roses
And graduation Hnik
If your cheek nearby Hpetk.
- Congratulations to your success
Raised the head of the
- All people
Your evidence
Congratulations to you Graduation
- Aaassa joy
Your success, تفوقك and your degree
Joy of my heart and the hearts of the people
- On the occasion of graduation send
Love with a bouquet
- Basket
Nsakbha the most beautiful
Cheek owned the most expensive humans